April 23, 2024
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The Amazing Testimony of Ngan Nguyen
By Ngan Nguyen

Ngan originally wrote out her testimony to share with a facebook friend named Peter. Since then she has shared her testimony with many others and has allowed me to post her testimony here at the Burning Bush as well.
Ngan writes:This was sent to a friend who I have met over facebook. His name is Peter......Peter,

I personally think it was the doings and blessings from God that brought us to meet over Facebook. I understand that you were or still are going through some hard times w/ life and with God. But let's remember everything happens for the purpose of bringing us closer in finding God. It took me awhile to sit down and type out this email because at first, I thought I was just being lazy and so I would do it later, but then it hit me that there is nothing I could possibly say to get my message across CLEARLY.

Nothing I can say can express my love and passion for God and for helping others. I love everything about God and about what all He has done for me and others. So let me tell you a little about me.

I have a mother, a father, and two brothers- one being 20 and the other being 14. My family moved to America when I was 7 because my parents wanted their kids to have a good education and a successful life. My father and mother didn't have the proper education when they were younger because their parents couldn't afford to send them to school. They went to school as far as their parents' money could take them, which was not further than high school. But by the grace and loving heart of the Lord, we were given the opportunity to move to America. My parents worked hard each and every day for us to have money to live in comfort; they gave up their own joy and happiness just for us kids. They bought us everything we ever wanted but still taught us to value the meaning of the dollar.

When we first moved to America, we lived with my aunt, who was a Catholic lady. She was one of the hardest working ladies I have ever met. She took us to her church; this was the first time I have ever been to church--or at least the first time I have ever been a MEMBER of a church. I was 7 when this all happened, so you may guess that my memories were vague and unclear, but what I do remember is that I grew to love God at this church. I mean, I never fully understood the meaning of the cross or how Jesus actually DIED for me on Calvary's Cross, but I did know that God loved me and I loved Him. To this very day I still believe that my youthful love for God was probably the purest and most faithful kind of love.

I remember praying and reading the bible when I was little, though not fully understanding the meaning of it all (I think Genesis was as far as I got). I remember having a diary and writing down my thoughts and feelings to God. This was all when I was in elementary school. I have to honestly say that my life was at its peak at that time. My whole family attended church: mother, 2 brothers, and me, all but my father. At that time, I didn't fully understand why he didn't go; I've always thought that he was just too tired from work or something of that nature. But as I grew older, I came to realize how much he resented the Lord. I remember the church people giving me a small statue thing of the cross; oh, how happy I was to bring it home. I placed it in the main bathroom in my house for all to see. It disappeared one day. I never saw it again.

I think that was when I fully understood that my father's faith was not in the Lord, but rather in some other religion. This was when I was little, so I didn't care much for it. I just thought that God loves me and one day I'm going to heaven and so is my whole family-- even daddy.

When I was 9 or 10 my father took us all out of church. I was quite confused and even sad to leave my church friends and family, but I never once got mad at my father for that. I just thought he was daddy and daddy must be right. Of course, my love for God never faded nor did I grow unfaithful.

It wasn't until I entered Junior High did I begin to stray away from God. I believe it was in 7th grade when I started to hang around with the wrong crowd. I started to cuss like no other. I wanted so badly to be popular and fit in with all the pretty girls and be liked by the cute boys. I changed myself in so many ways. I looked down on people who were of lower status than me and talked down on them. It wasn't until 9th grade was I finally accepted by the people I wanted to be like. Finally, I was one of them. I was best friend with a cheerleader, I had a crush on a really popular guy, and my grades were prefect to a tee. 9th grade was the BEST year of my life. I wanted to stop time and spend my life in 9th grade with all of my friends, but as we know, time moves on regardless of the joy or pain one may be going through.

Though things were going great that year, I was furthest away from God than ever before. My best friend flat out rejected the existence of God. This influenced me in such a way that I even rejected God myself.
"Who is this so called God?"- "He is not real!" - "There is no God and there is NO JESUS!"

My best friend and I were like sisters: she and I did everything together. I loved her and she loved me. The downfall to this relationship was that she influenced me in a negative way at times. She didn't believe in the Lord, and so I became a disbeliever, too.

Now that I look back on that, I've finally realized how stupid I was being. Not only was I STILL trying to fit in by trying to be just like her, but I was changing every single thing about me just so I could be accepted. She was sweet, pretty, and she had the body of model. That is what I did not have. I hung out with her so much that I started to compare myself to her. I wasn't as pretty or as skinny as her was, so I changed myself.

I started going on crazy diets and working-out 6 hours a day. I lost weight left and right. By the end of the 9th grade, she told me she was going to a different high school and really wanted me to go with her. I remember that school day so well, she was wearing a black shirt, and her hair was half up and half down. I felt as though I had to beg to my father to let me go to the same high school as she was. My thoughts were that she and I were going to be best friends forever, how then can we be going to different high school?

My parents rejected my request. She and I even told each other that we would be friends forever. (I believed it) She got a boyfriend and eventually spent more time with him than with me. I hated it for a while, and I even hated him for awhile, but then came to realize that he brought her happiness and that was all I wanted. That summer I spent every waking minute working out and eating less and less. I wanted so badly to be prefect and to have the perfect body and perfect look. (Summer of 2006)

When high school started I went down to merely 90 pounds. My family told me I looked disgusting, and they hated every time I went running. I would run for hours and bike for hours. I ate so little that my mother would get freaked out and try to get me to eat more. - I told her that I wasn't hungry. I became obsess with weighing myself and drinking lots of water. When school started, people gave me the most disgusted looks. Many of my friends would ask me if I was OK or if I was eating. I told them I was eating like crazy, but I was just eating healthier food. I told them I worked out nonstop. (This was not a lie) As the year went by, rumors scattered like wild fires.

"Ngan is anorexic." ''Ngan throws up.'' ''Ngan doesn't eat.''

I knew what people were thinking. I could lie to everyone and tell them I was Ok, but I couldn't lie to myself. I knew I had a problem- an eating disorder. I didn't want to admit that they were all right, that I was anorexic. I cried and I cried. The sick thing about all of this was that I STILL SAW MY SELF AS FAT even when others told me I was too skinny. I once even came to be 87 pounds. Oh, how proud I was of that. (Do you hear what I was saying? How sick of a child I was.)

I could have died because of my low blood pressure. Nonetheless, I over came this problem and came to a healthy weight, with the help of doctors and medications and obsessive eating. (this all happened a year ago)

This was one of the biggest storms of my life, and I fought through it without the calling to God. I thought I didn't need God. Why would I need God when things are going so well? He couldn't be real. Prayer does NOTHING. But now when I look back to that, I realized that God was there the whole time; He was there to hold me during my sleepless nights and when I needed help. I denied God and His love for me for the longest time. I hated religion, and I hated how people hated each other because of their religion. I just wanted people to live in peace and love each other. I hated how people were at war just because of their religion. I saw how my father hated Christianity and it only brought me to hate the religions in this world even more. (May 2006 to March 2007)

It wasn't until this year did I met a young Christian boy who was madly in love with the Lord. He and I were friends right off the bat, and I thank God for letting me meet him. He and I started to talk, and we started to come closer and closer as friends and built a great relationship. He persisted with me; He witnessed to me and shared the great news about the Lord Jesus Christ. (Sept. 2007)

At first, I was resentful and confused. I didn't understand why he wanted so badly to tell me about Jesus and God. I wanted to get to know him and be his friend, not get to know Jesus and be a follower of the Lord. I remember him first telling me about the end of the world and the signs and the events that were to take place before Jesus returns. OHHH, how scared I was in my bed that night! I didn't fully understand it all, but I listened to him preached to me every night. It was quite funny, but it was amazing to hear him talk. The passion and love for the Lord were truly in his voice. He spoke about Jesus with such delight and such joy. I didn't understand at all where this was from. He was so different from me but yet he and I were so much alike; he was compassionate and patient. - The Lord was dwelling in his heart. I yearned to talk to him more and be around him more, but I didn't know why.

I told him my thoughts on religion. I had good morals; therefore, I'm a good person. I just want people to live with good hearts and love each other. That's all I wanted. He never once mocked me or condemned me for what I believed. He never once told me I was wrong. I grew to like his fanatic Christian boy; there was something there I couldn't help but want to hold and have. I liked him but there was something more about him that I liked, but at that time, I didn't know what it was. Our friendship grew as my faith for God started to take place. I started to listen to a Christian station called K-love, and one day I heard a song called "East to West" by Casting Crowns. That song convicted my heart: (Oct or Nov. 2007)

"Jesus can you show me just how far the east is from the west

'Cause I can't bear to see the man I've been
Rising up in me again

In the arms of Your mercy I find rest
'Cause You know just how far the east is from the west
From one scarred hand to the other"

I guess now that I look back on that moment, the Lord was calling me to surrender, but I was not ready. God was patient with me, so He waited.

My Christian friend gave me a book for 1st time Christians called New Believer's Bible; he told me to read that because it explains a lot about God and the bible. (I think Oct. 2007ish) Of course, I started reading it but stuff got in the way, and I put it away for awhile. I told myself I was going to get to it when I had time, but I honestly think that I was just hiding from God.

It was not until December 24, 2007 (Christmas Eve) did I pick up that book again. I remember sitting in my living room looking at the Christmas tree and realizing that Christmas was SO much more than being with family and friends. I had always thought that Christmas was a time for family and friends to come together, but no, it was about JESUS. I went into my room and turned on K-love and found that book from my friend. I questioned the TRUE meaning of Christmas. What is Christmas? I wanted so badly to know the answer to that. I sat in my closet eagerly wanting something unexplainable; something beyond earth and beyond human's pleasures. I opened that book and knew that I needed the answer; I needed something to fill my empty heart. I read it and something at that moment convicted my heart. There was a prayer in that book that asked me to read to invite Jesus into my heart, and to accept Him as Lord and Savior. I read it out loud:

"God, I'm sorry for my sin. I turn from it right now.
I thank you for sending Jesus Christ to die on the cross for my sin.

Jesus, I ask you to come into my heart and life right now.
Be my Lord, Savior, and friend.
Help me to follow you all the days of my life as your disciple.
Thank you for forgiving and receiving me right now.
Thank you that my sin is forgiven and that I am going to heaven. In Jesus' name I pray, amen."

When I read that prayer, an unexplainable joy reigned over my heart. I didn't know what was going on. Why am I so happy to love some stranger who claims to be my Lord and Savior? Why do I cry in the name of Jesus Christ? It was then that I gave my life to Jesus. I was on my knees calling out for God's mercy. My life was at the mercy of God's hands; He could have turned away from me as I have done to him. He could have judged me for all the wrong things I have done and for the many times I have denied His existence, but no, He gave me peace and love. To this very day, I still don't know what took place in my room, but I do know that it was the Holy Spirit who was present in my room and in my heart.

I surrendered my life to God; I gave my all to the Lord to bring Him glory and honor. It was weird. My life became so odd. I began to read the bible, and I started to pray. I also started to yearn for church and fellowship. I knew my father would not approve nor would he let me go to church. I remember asking my mother if I could go to church (Jan. 2008), and she said yes. Oh, the joy in my heart! I got ready and everything! Before I left my house, my father asked me where I was going, and I told him I was leaving for church. - HE WAS NOT HAPPY. He told me this will be my first time and LAST time going to church.

My heart was broken as I entered the car with tears running down my face. But I didn't want this to spoil my time with the Lord, so I got the strength to stop crying and put a happy face on. OH, the joy that entered my heart when I was in church. The room had a warm, welcoming feeling to it. The sun brought life to the room, and the people were awake and alive. I wanted to take this warmth and joy and put it away in my heart and never let go.

Sunday morning. It was sunny and beautiful outside. I was wearing a cute green shirt with a black skirt. My hair was perfect. I sat down and looked around. There were mainly elderly people there, but they were undoubtedly in love with the Lord; they all greeted me with so enthusiastically. They all were so glad to see a young face around. I tried so hard to keep from crying my eyes out.

The thoughts that were running in my mind were uncontrollable. The joy and peace I had in that room. "I was finally here. I was in God's House. I am here. My salvation brought me here. I am worthy. I am a child of God." When the choir started to sing, I started crying uncontrollably. I remember the lyrics to one of the song. It was something like this "...see Jesus face to face. We are Home."

And being the emotional person that I am, I couldn't help but cry out to God even more than before. These, my friend, were tears of joy. All I wanted was to stop time and be there in the presence of God forever. When church was over I didn't want to go home because I knew there was no way I was going to be able to go to church again for a while. The people wanted to see me again next week, oh the pain that entered my heart to say, "OK."

There were many events that took place right after the other that broke me to pieces but gave me a peace of mind when I found comfort in the Lord;
1) (The next Sunday following the Sunday of me going to church) I got ready for church and the whole nine yard. My father told me "no" and "no was no". I stood there with tears from the rejected words from my father's mouth. I was so confused. How was going to church bad? How is worshiping God bad. I went to my room that morning broken down by grief and resentment for my father.

About half an hour after crying did K-love played "PRAISE YOU IN THIS STORM" by Casting Crowns (talk about good timing!)

"And I'll praise you in this storm
and I will lift my hands
for You are who You are
no matter where I am
and every tear I've cried
You hold in your hand
You never left my side
and though my heart is torn
I will praise You in this storm"

And as I turned away the tears in my eyes and lifted my hands to heavens, I realized that THIS was what I must go through to bring God glory. I must fight to find peace and comfort in the Lord even when I am facing hard times. Oh, the joy and peace I had that morning right after that song played. I was so happy to love God and to have Jesus in my life. I think, I started laughing for no reason! God sure is a working wonder.

2) Passion of the Christ (the movie) - After watching this movie, I cried out to Jesus, asking Him for forgiveness and mercy. I hated myself because of the sins I have done and will do. I knew I was a sinner. It never hit me that I was SUCH a sinner until I saw the pain Christ went through just for me. I cried in my bed that night because I hated who I was. I hated trying to fit in. I hated being a lover of the world and not God. I hated everything about myself. But God told me He washed me clean by the blood of the Lamb, and that He didn't view me as a sinner but His child, pure and clean. He loved me for who I was, is, and will be. GOD LOVES ME! He loves me even when I was nothing. Oh, how joyful I was that night. I was at peace with God. Thank you, Jesus.

3) I was sitting in the living room watching TV with my brothers when my father confronted me about my behaviors. He saw my Jesus Fish, K-love bumper sticker, my computer and how it was loaded w/ Bible verses and so much more. He told me that this can NEVER be. I cannot worship God. I'm young, and I don't understand things so what makes me think I could just start loving God? I can never marry a Christian boy. I can never be a Christian. Even when I am away in college, I cannot be like this. He told me he would have kicked me out long ago if I was 18. He told me all of this in front of my brothers. They saw my sorrow and my pain; they pretended to not hear the conversation and continue to watch TV. I just felt so lonely in my house.

The pain and sorrow entered my heart. Tears poured down my face. I couldn't say anything back, HE WAS MY FATHER! That would be disrespectful to talk back. I ran to my room needing a friend to talk to. I called a friend telling her about what my father just said and how I was feeling; she was trying to comfort me but the pain was greater and more intense because I knew human words and encouragements were of no use, only God can heal this wound that was gradually destroying my soul. I called 700 club prayer lines and ask the guy to pray for my father; his prayer was comforting as I slowly hear the sorrow in his tone, he felt the pain that I was in. As I got on my knees and prayed, God's loving hands held my broken heart. I knew that God's heart was wounded because He, too, felt the sorrow in my heart. God said that the pain won't go away and that He isn't going stop the storm from forming, but that He will be here for me and give me comfort and peace in the midst of my storm. That was all I needed to hear. His presence was all I needed and would need when I would have to endure any kind of pain in the future, I knew I was going to be ok--God's love will carry me far.

You see, Peter, God told us that life brings pain and sorrow, and He also told us that He won't stop it from coming because it is from the monstrous storms that bring us closer to God. God won't let us far into a pit without Him going down in it, too. Yeah, pain hurts. Yes, life is hard. Yes, loneliness is too much to bear sometimes, but was it not the Father of the lost sheep that brought us here today? Was it not Jesus who DIED for OUR SIN? It was all for us, Peter.

I don't know what the future is to bring or what pain might be lurking in the future for me, and to be honest with you, I'm not afraid of them. I'm not scared of being hurt or broken down. I'm not afraid of being rejected or being empty from this world. Because I know that this all bring glory to God, I bring honor to Him when I take comfort in His arms and in His words. For me to stand up even after falling many times is one thing I am willing to do if I can declare my love for God and my love for His promise. The significance of this world that we live in is so small compared to how the Kingdom of God will be.

So why be afraid of being rejected by our own family members and by the world? Why yearn for the past when the future is so bright with God? Why hold on to the past if it would only bring pain into our hearts and souls? God's Kingdom is open to ALL who are willing to take up the cross and follow Jesus. I will take this cross and carry the pain of the world so that when I enter the Kingdom, I can face Jesus with a smile. I don't want to live a prideful earthly life and be ashamed to face Jesus in the end.

I want to carry the burden of millions so that when I go Home, I can also rejoice with Jesus because He once had to carry the sins of all people. I want to be able to say that I truly lived a life for Jesus and for God when Jesus shuts my eyes before coming Home.

The battle I am in with my father is one where I can't accept defeat. I know that one day, he and the rest of my family will have salvation. Soon, my family and I are going to go to church on Sunday mornings, and I will stand at the altar and tell God about how right He was and how I thankful I am that I continue to pursue His will while most give up. I won't give up. I'm not going to fall for anything that the future holds.

Peter, I am so thankful that I can share this with you. All I want now is for you to ask yourself what you want to do with this story. Will it be just another story you have read in the past or will you take it to heart and want to grow from it. Peter, Jesus is ready. He is ready to call you into the light. He is ready to enter your heart and life. Will you let Him come in? Are you ready?

Peter, my story was not one that was to bring tears to your eyes so that you will feel sorry for me and pray for me. My story was to bring you to your knees and for you to cry out to Jesus. If I have done nothing right in my life, this is something I can be proud of. All I want is for you to search your heart and your soul and ask yourself what you want in life. Peter, I would give up so much of my joy and so many of my blessings if you can too be joyful in the Lord. I would go through pain and sorrow a million times all over again if I can save just one life out there. If I can reach only 1 soul for Jesus then my life was truly worth living.

God has never called me out to do something like this before. He wants me to bring the name Jesus to foreign countries and spread the news. He wants me to do so much for Him. Peter, I don't know if I can do it. How can a little girl from a small town be able to do something so great for the Lord? I'm nothing. I'm nobody. I feel as though my mind is so small and my heart is so weak that maybe God made the wrong decision in picking me, but no. No!. He wasn't wrong. He was right, I CAN do something. I can really do things for God.

Yes, I can't do it by myself, but Christ lives in me. By the Spirit that dwells within me am I able to stand firm in God's words. I will search the world for lost souls and broken hearts to bring them to the Lord. I will carry the name Jesus Christ from my house to the ends of the world. Peter, it's time to stop saying no and start saying, "Ok, Lord, I am Yours." I have never been so sure about anything in my life before expect for this.

Sometime I start wondering why me? Why Ngan? Then a song from Casting Crowns came into my life. "Who am I"

"Who am I?
That the Lord of all the earth,
Would care to know my name,
Would care to feel my hurt.
Who am I?
That the bright and morning star,
Would choose to light the way,
For my ever wandering heart."

It hit me so hard hearing this song. The whole time I was saying, "why ME?", when I should have being saying, "How God?" You see, it was never about me, it was always about HIM. He handpicked me from millions and billions of others to do His work. I know not what I can't do but what Christ enables me to do.

The main part of the song "Who Am I" was:
"Not because of who I am,
But because of what you've done.
Not because of what I've done,
But because of who you are."

Now, what do you think God wants you to do? Please read the following prayer at the end of this email if you are ready to surrender to Jesus and want to live for Jesus. But don't read it unless you are truly ready. This email will be the same and it will wait for you to come back to read it.

You are probably wondering about me now. How am I dealing with my eating disorder? Am I and that girl still best friend? How is that Christian boy? How are my father and my family?

Well, my life is the way it is now because of the mistakes that I have made and by the lessons I have learned from them. Do I still weigh 90 pounds? No, but that doesn't mean I am over my eating problem. I pray to God that I can fight this disease and bring glory to the King. I know that my body is a gift from God. I know that I am made in the image of God. I know it all. But I feel as though knowing is not enough. It must go from my mind and brain into my heart and soul. I'm not going to lie, I still have problems. I am not perfect nor will I ever be until I go Home to God, but until that day comes, I can only pray for His mercy and power to help me deal with this. I am willing to step up and admit my problems to the world if it brings glory to God. I am not ashamed of my past, because it was the past that brought me to the present, and it is what I do in the present that will determine my future. Right now, I only want to live in the present and make the right decisions, so my future is glorified by what I do now.

I've realized that my eating problem was not just image problems but much deeper than that. There is something about pleasing others that seems to eat away my soul. I wanted to be a certain way to please my friends. If I was not thin, then I was fat. If I was not perfect, then I was a freak or something. But the more I try to please others, the more I lose a part of who I am. I am here to please God, not the world- not even myself. I am who I am today because of God, and He is the ONLY One I should please.

That girl who was my best friend is far from me now. She and I have not spoken to for almost 2 years. She is so different from that silly girl I used to know and love. She is searching for herself by living in the world and walking the path of darkness that will lead her to emptiness and loneliness, but I will be there to comfort her and to tell her that God loves her. I don't think she approves of who I am today. But then again, I am not here for her to approve of. I am here to live for God. I do hope that you pray for her, Peter. I love her so much. I would give so much for her to tell me she wants God in her life, but it is not up to me to determine that. Her life is in God's loving hands.

The Christian boy is doing well. I thank God everyday for bringing someone so amazing and loving into my life. It was from the deliverance by this young boy that brought me to my knees that December night. His love for the Lord was something that keeps drawing me closer and closer to him. I didn't know why I liked him so much. I thought about him a lot as I lay in my bed pondering about life. I wanted to know the answer to his satisfaction in life. At first, I thought it was his boyish ways that keep me on the lookout for him. But it was so much more than that. What I wanted from him was more than just a smile or a chat, what I wanted was to get to know his heart for God. His passion for God draws me to want to be around him. I wanted not his acceptance but his heart. I wanted to love God as he did. I wanted to rejoice in the Lord as he did. It was not until I found my peace with God did I realize this. I love this boy, but this love is a love of brotherhood and sisterhood. I pray for him to reach out to many others. It took me a long time to build up the courage to thank him for what he did in me. He never told me I was wrong when I told him about my beliefs in life. He never mocked nor condemned. Thank God for him.

My father is as stubborn as ever before. He's not giving into me or my love for God. The only thing that hurts more than my father rejecting me for who I am today is the pain I am engraving in his heart. I know this is hurting him in so many ways. I was his good, perfect daughter who obeys her father's wishes no matter what. But since the day I was saved to right now, he has never looked at me with the loving eyes; he has never been so ashamed of me before. I know I've broken his heart, and I've destroyed this father-daughter relationship the moment I told myself I loved God more than anything in the world.

I honestly hate myself sometime because of what I have done to my family. The quietness and the empty hearts when I am present seem to eat away my family. I don't know what to do sometime. I feel like a failure when I am in the presence of my father. I don't know how to tell him that God is everything I have, and that Jesus brings me true happiness and peace. I've never understand life more until I've been saved by God's grace. My family is one of the few things in life that actually brings me joy and comfort but that is only because of the blessings from God. For me to choose God over my family and to hurt my father's heart like this is something I hated doing, but it had to be done. God is my all. If my family crumbles because of this, then it was meant to be. I believe that there has to be something big that destroys my family, for Jesus to come into the lives of my family members. If my distress will bring God into the picture then I am willing to take that loss. I am willing to give up my life for my family to love Christ. I am willing to lose everything if God would only give salvation to my family.

God told me that there will be salvation in the future, but I just have to wait and be patient. I feel as though this promise is one of the greatest gifts the Lord has ever given me. I pray every night for my family to see Jesus.

I can only live my life as Jesus directed it to be like now. My family will have salvation. Just wait and see. That day will be a glorious day.
Under this is the prayer - please only read it if you are ready.


"O Lord, it is I, Peter. I am ready. I am willing to give up my life and this world for You. I surrender my all to You. I know now that You are my Savior. I know that You are the One who came down from God's right hand to die for my sin. Yes, I am a sinner. I am so sick of the way I am living and now, I want You to take over my life and lead me back to the right path. Wash me of my sinful ways. Clean me from my head to my toes. Make me as white as snow, and make me pure in Your Holy Eyes. I love you God. I give You my all. I pray in Jesus' Holy Name, Amen. "
If you have read this pray and feel as though you want to be closer to Jesus then please facebook or email me and ask for my phone number. I want to hear your voice and your testimony. I want to know if I can possibly do anything to help you in this walk with Jesus. Peter, I love you so much. You truly are like a father to me. I care for your well being and your salvation. Please let your wife, my 2nd mother, read this. And if you feel as though there should be people out there needing God's love, then give them my story. I will be praying for you, daddy.

(Peter, surrendered his life to Jesus last week when I sent this to him. :)
You can contact Ngan at wwgd18@gmail.com

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