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Testimony from a Chinese Believer
By Sabrina

Sabrina J. shares her testimony:
Each believer has his/her own amazing experience which God gave. Me too.

I share my story to become a Christian as below:

I was born in a non-Christian family. Nobody preached Gospel to me before I went to England for studying. In my memory, the first Holy Bible I read came from a friend of my father. It seems that my father never read it before. But I was curious of what the Holy Bible says, so I read that Holy Bible from the first chapter, Genesis.

Based on my knowledge of evolutionism, I thought it might be a kind of myth. How can human being be created by God originally? How can a man live so long time like Adam and his sons? Since I was busy on my studying for further education, I didn’t continue reading the Holy Bible and put it on my father’s bookshelf. Then I almost forgot the book for many years until I got an offer of MSc in Information Technology from Loughborough University, a British university in 2002.

Loughborough is a nice town which is totally different from the place where I grew up. Different language, different weather, different life style, different architecture and different people… It seemed that everything was different except me. I made a lot of friends from different countries. Some of them were Christians. A Christian friend happened to be a sub warden of the student hall where I lived. He often invited some oversea students to his apartment for meals. He came from Malaysia and was good at cooking some Asian foods which attracted me a lot. After that we had some Bible studying and praying. At weekends, I went to church with other Christian friends. Most people were very kind to me in that church. For most oversea students, the atmosphere in churches comforted to us somehow. Therefore I joined a lot of church activities even though I was not a Christian until an Easter Day holiday in 2003.

It was a Christian camping in Sheffield. We went to a divinity school called Cliff College, in the countryside of Sheffield. During three days, I was impressive by what those brothers and sisters did to me. Whatever and wherever they did, they would think of the benefit of other people in advance. It was so different from the competitive rules in the modern society. When the preacher asked people to stand up if you felt touched by God and would like to commit to Him at the last day, I stood up finally. I did not know whether I was touched by the Holy Spirit or something else. But I did stand up and committed to God by praying with a tutor afterwards.

Two weeks later, I got baptized in Loughborough. Although I hadn’t gone through the Holy Bible, I believed every word from God. Then I started Bible studying with those brothers and sisters more and more. Also I went to church every Sunday and joined a fellowship group once a week in that university. That period seemed to be a honeymoon between God and me, a new believer.

At the end of 2003, I came back to my home country. Something changed. First of all I was warned that there could be prosecutions in China for a Christian. Secondly I did not have a good church life in my hometown. It made me so sad that I felt lonely and helpless.

But the gace of God is adequate to us. I joined a family church afterwards and enjoyed my church life as far.

Although there are still a lot of problems in China, the country is changing to a good way. I believe God is watching over all this and is always with us.

God bless...


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