February 17, 2025
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Wrather Thoughts - A Daily Blog

02.11.22 It has been about three and a half months since my back surgery and I am now able to sit at my computer for longer periods of time. I have begun sending devotionals out again by email. The free email list service that I use may shut down in October so I want to take advantage of it as long as possible.

01.19.22 The covid pandemic has roared back filling up hospitals and ICU beds. The omicron variant is particularly contagious. But God is still God, and He can still give us the strength to live through this pandemic just as He has the last two years. Philippians 4:13 is still in the Bible "I can do all things through Christ Jesus who strengthens me."  

03.24.21 My thoughts are miniscule as compared to the thoughts of our God as we are told in Isaiah 55:8-9,

"For My thoughts are not your thoughts

Nor are your ways My ways," says the Lord.

"For as the heavens are higher than the earth,

So are My ways higher than your ways,

And My thoughts than your thoughts."

The more I learn about God the more that I find I do not understand and do not have the capacity to comprehend. I can only praise Him and thank Him for caring about my life!

03.15.21 I have begun sending classic (previously sent) devotionals again as I was impressed by God to do so. I have stopped updating the old website theburningbush.org because the host has said they will stop supporting html websites at the end of the month. The website will still be there, but it will not be possible to update it.

07.08.20 We are still alive and well and relatively unaffected by the pandemic and the riots. However, I am very concerned about what is happening to our country. Sunday in our church I shared a message of how America was founded by God on God's Word and how far we have strayed from that original foundation. Is it too late to save America? Not if we will turn to God in repentance and humility. God can give us revival and bring us back to Him in a week. God could do it in a day! In October of 1857 the nation's economy had a terrible shock which helped bring about a revival in which one million people became believers out of a population of only 30 million. What terrible thing will we have to go through if we do not turn back to God now? Do we really think that God is going to rapture a bunch of lukewarm saints? Like a piece of coal isn't it more likely that He will apply pressure until the coal becomes diamonds? If we are ever going to seriously pray for our nation with fasting and prayer that time is now!

01.06.20 Thankfully, the Burning Bush websites are still online and prayerfully, hopefully, that will continue. God helped me to write another devotional today. Please pray for me so that I will be able to continue write these devotionals. Only through God's power am I able to write anything meaningful. Thank you for all of your prayers!

01.31.19 For some unknown reason, inspyre which hosts theburningbush.net has not given a reason, the website was unreachable for a week or more and I was unable to edit or update in any way. At this point not sure whether to continue with Inspyre or to begin building another website with another hosting company.

10.02.18 After much prayer I have given up on the idea of the devotional being a daily devotional. I will try to post and email the devotional once a week. If the devotional was my only ministry it might be easier to send it more frequently. However, since I am an active pastor again and still a chaplain at an assisted living facility once a week is all that is possible and I believe this is God's will at this time.

08.15.18 I have been ill with a virus for about a week, but am feeling better. I would like to be able to send the devotional more frequently, but I need supernatural empowerment to be able to do that. Your prayers are always needed!

08.02.18 God has begun to move at Fairview Baptist with a baptism last Sunday and another baptism planned for next Sunday. Blessed to be a part of this move of God.

03.18.18 This morning I accepted the call to be the pastor of Fairview Baptist Church in Elk City, Oklahoma. We are excited about what God has planned for this church and that we are going to be a part of it!! We covet your prayers for this ministry...

01.12.18 It's a New Year!! May we all draw closer to our Lord Jesus this year!!

Two new devotionals have been written and sent in this New Year, however, the Christian email list service that I use to send the devotional at associate.com has been off line for several days. Hopefully, it is just because of the severe winter weather in the eastern United States that has caused a temporary outage.

11.08.17 Of course, we have all been saddened, sickened, and outraged as believers by the recent attacks upon the unarmed citizens of the United States. Especially horrendous was the attack on innocent worshippers at the First Baptist Church of Sutherland Springs, Texas. These attacks are straight from the pit of hell. We must continue to pray, the spiritual war we are in has reached a new level of viciousness!! 

11.08.17 Since my last blog, my wife (Jeanie) has had two strokes 4 1/2 weeks ago was the last one. She has recovered from much of what the stroke has taken. They are still trying to determine what caused the strokes and prevent her from having another one. Thank you for your prayers!!


This week three classic devotionals from 2010 have been sent by email and posted on Facebook. I am still preaching, filling in at Fairview Baptist Church, in Elk City, Oklahoma while they are without a pastor. This month I was called for jury duty in the county I live for a murder trial. The questioning of potential jurors took all of one day and at the end I was excused by the defense from serving because of my prior law enforcement experience as a parole officer. However, now I have to go back in November for potential service on another jury.


Enjoyed doing the Bible Study at the Baptist Village in Elk City, OK yesterday. Every Tuesday at 10am, if you're in the area, drop in.


I have begun a series of devotionals on the 23rd Psalm. The first two are "The Good Shepherd" and "Green Pastures."


Not so much a daily blog it would appear, but still I will try to share when I can. Preached at Fairview Baptist Church in Elk City again last Sunday. Jeanie and I had the weekly service at the Baptist Village in Elk City yesterday (Prayer, singing, Bible Study), and later in the day spent some hours mowing and still need to do some more mowing and yard work today.


Yesterday, Jeanie and I did the weekly service at the Baptist Village in Elk City, Oklahoma. The service consists of a brief worship, prayer time and Bible Study. Finished a six week study in the 23rd Psalm. Plan to begin a five week study in Philippians next week.

The first Sunday of the month I preached at FBC Yukon filling in for my son who is the pastor there. Last Sunday I preached at Fairview Baptist Church in Elk City as they are still without a pastor and will be preaching there the next two Sundays.

Last night we heard about the horrific fire in the apartment building in London, and this morning we heard about the shooting in Alexandria, Virginia. Bad things continue to happen on Planet Earth, and they will continue to happen until God intervenes. Thankful that in the midst of terrifying events that we can turn to the God who is the God of all comfort, and who is the God of all grace. Some trust in weapons of war, but we will trust in the Lord our God (Psalm 20:7).

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