April 23, 2024
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Biblical Help for Overcoming Substance Abuse
Ed Wrather - (SKU#: NM40927)

Price: $20.00

This item is not currently available

BIBLICAL HELP FOR OVERCOMING SUBSTANCE ABUSE will provide the guidance to overcome these severe addictions through the power of God.

82 Page plastic comb bound 8.5 X 11 inch booklet with card stock cover.


God's Help for the Tough Problems - This is a God given message directed toward those with besetting or ensnaring sins such as substance abuse.

Spiritual Warfare Prayers - Overcoming substance abuse is a spiritual battle.

Scriptures to Defeat the Addiction - God's Word is a powerful component in defeating substance abuse.

Strategies for Overcoming Substance Abuse.

60 Burning Bush Devotionals to provide Guidance and Encouragement - These devotionals have been carefully chosen to provide a continual source of Guidance and Encouragement for all who are battling substance abuse.

The $20.00 price includes the cost of shipping the booklet via priority mail. There are additional costs involved in producing a booklet like this with the estimated profit being $10.00 or less per booklet.

This booklet is available for download from Amazon with the title of "The Addictions Kit - Biblical Help for Addictions."

In the past while I was the pastor at Sweetwater's First Baptist Church the church had a wonderful printer which they had purchased for producing booklets like this. Thousands of booklets with other titles were produced and given away free of cost because of the generosity of that church. However, being a retired pastor I no longer have access to their equipment and must now charge for these booklets.

To purchase use paypal sending payment to wrathered@gmail.com The website should automatically facilitate this, but if not you can do the purchase manually by sending payment directly through paypal to that address.

If you are unable to use paypal you may send payment to:

Ed Wrather

11460 N 2080 Rd

Canute OK 73626

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