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Prayer Requests

Ed W. Post
July 2, 2014
Wendy Lu a new facebook friend has these prayer requests:

Pls pray for my excellent communication, interpersonal & relationship skills! Pls pray for my versatile abilities in office administration, business, marketing, sales & customer service! Tks! Pls pray for my myopia, astigmatism, gum recessions, thyroid & severe to profound hearing loss to be completely healed by God. Pls pray for my dad's hearing, my stepmom's back pain & my mom's family members' salvation. I cannot hear everything clearly without a cochlear implant in my right ear. I want to see & hear everything clearly without my cochlear implant's speech processor & magnet. Tks!
Ed W. Post
June 30, 2014
Wendy Lu a new facebook friend has asked prayer for her vision and for her hearing:

Please pray for me to see & hear everything clearly without my cochlear implant in my right ear. I had been wearing 2 hearing aids for more than 20 years before my 1st cochlear implant operation @ Sunnybrook Hospital in the summer of 2005, my 2nd magnet replacement surgery in 2008 (bc the mechanical failure of my magnet inside of my right head) & my 3rd cochlear reimplantation operation in 2009 (bc the mechanical failure of my cochlear implant inside of my right ear).
Ed W. Post
June 8, 2014
Please pray for Debby who I found out today has stage IV cancer which started out in her colon and has metastasized to her liver. She is very ill and surely needs the prayers of many to survive. I want to encourage you to pray for Debby and to ask others to pray for her as well. Thank you!!!

Webmaster Post
April 7, 2014
Please pray for Hilary, and Paul (her husband) and their daughters. They have been struggling with different issues for several years. Some things have improved but others have not. Somehow has held everything together but they need even more help. This is a somewhat anonymous request but God will know who we are praying for. Thanks!
Ed W. Post
April 7, 2014
Charla Anderson has sent this Prayer Request: "I have a prayer request. My daughter has to go into surgery today for the second time in her 25 days of life. I'm praying they find all of the blockages in her intestines this time. She was born 8 weeks early with Jejunum atresia. The surgeons believe there is a partial blockage and a possible stenosis or atresia. She also had some bleeding in her brain and fluid build up. I pray that heals without any need for medical intervention. Thank you and god bless"
Patricia M. Post
April 3, 2014
This is a prayer request for my cousin's daughter Amber,Thank you for praying for her. The following explains what she is going through:

So, in case any of you were wondering about my urgent prayer request a few days ago, here it goes:
I found out today that I have Medullary Thyroid Cancer. I will have my thyroid and all lymph nodes on my right side removed in the next couple of weeks. I do not know the stage or if it has spread (that might even be the same thing).
So again, I'm asking for prayers!

Update: Just to clarify that Medullary Thyroid Cancer is NOT like other thyroid cancers and is not treated the same:
"Although thyroid cells have the cellular mechanism to absorb iodine, medullary thyroid cancer does not arise from this type of thyroid cell. Therefore, radioactive iodine therapy is not useful for the treatment of medullary thyroid cancer. Similarly, if medullary cancer spreads to distant sites, it cannot be found by iodine scanning the way that distant spread from papillary or follicular cancer can."

Updte: I'm going to apologize in advance for what could be a FLOOD of info for those not interested. But this is just the easiest way to let people who want to know, know.
"MTC is a serious disease. Left untreated, it can be a fatal disease. Surgery is the only way to cure MTC if it is treated before it escapes the thyroid. There is not currently a method to "cure" metastatic MTC, although with proper treatment and management, a patient can lead a long and healthy life. There is significant progress being made on pharmaceuticals to control the growth and spread of MTC."

Update: A little update: after a LOT of research and advice, we've decided that I will go to MD Anderson in Houston for all further care. I will not be having surgery here next week like originally planned. I have an appointment next Wednesday, the 9th at MDA. Please pray that the devil does not get the best of my thoughts, which has been my biggest struggle these past few days. Thanks!

Update: “Being defeated can be a temporary situation, giving up makes it permanent”. There will and already have been many moments where I've felt defeated, but I will NEVER give up. And just incase you're thinking "I've heard thyroid cancer is the cancer to have if you're gonna have cancer"-go look up medullary thyroid cancer…you'll change your mind.

Update: I say this not scare you (even though it scares me), but so that everyone can pray specifically for this as well. My neck CT from right before my last surgery showed something on my sternum. PLEASE PRAY for a miracle that it has nothing to do with this cancer and is in fact nothing to worry about. Hey, miracles can happen!
Patricia M. Post
March 23, 2014
I have an urgent prayer request. A friend, Leslie, and her family were skiing at Red River today when her hubby Lance hit a tree. He was airlifted to a hospital in Albuquerque and is in bad shape. Please pray for him and his doctors along with his wife and family for peace and comfort and strength to get through the coming days. Thank you so much.
Anonymous Anonymous Post
March 23, 2014
From a friend of mine Duane:
I would like to ask prayer for a friend that needs a miracle. Their names are Doug, Tara, and Jocelyn. Satan endeavors to tear apart that that God has put together. Please pray His will would prevail. Thank you
Hege H. Post
March 6, 2014
My sister has come to need of a miracle to survive her battle with cancer at only 45 year old. Please, in Jesus name, please pray for my sister Mary Madeline. Please pray for Her two son's & husband's strength & a miracle of healing of her body. Thank you for all the prayers,from the bottom of my heart. God bless everyone
Anonymous Anonymous Post
March 5, 2014
Please pray for me. I am a young lady seeking direction from God. I am in a country where i cannot work or travel. My life is stagnated. Please pray for me

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