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Prayer Requests

Aquilla F. Post
November 3, 2015
Please pray for the deliverance of Mrs Aquilla and her Family.
Thank you
Anonymous Anonymous Post
October 18, 2015
Please pray that Mark and I will reconcile?
Anonymous Anonymous Post
September 19, 2015
pls pray that i could retain my job. currently it does not look good as my workload is almost all reduce. I am very nervous and anxious about the whole situation that is giving me sleepless nights and i could not eat properly. pray that Jesus will create a way in the desert and part the red sea so I can be safe...eg.
In Jesus name we pray, Amen.
annie s. Post
August 27, 2015
please pray for my 20 yr old son who is addicted to drugs he is currently seperated from his wife and they are having a baby in november he is unhappy living in the town where he is now he wants to live somewhere else but his wife does not want to move and that is the reason he is seperated please pray for him
Brinal P. Post
August 21, 2015
Can you please pray for me, about a year ago I was diagnosed with Barrett's Esophagus, and I also have a hiatus hernia. I am still having very bad burning/heartburn, despite the high dose of medications. I am on a waiting list to have an operation, coz my lower Esophagus sphincter is very weak and stays open, which causes this heart burn.
Volieda W. Post
June 11, 2015
I have been in a stressed and in a spiraling financial downfall for the last 12 weeks. I have no steady income and I fell behind with rent and bills. I have had to rely on others but I still feel threatened through evil and finances. I don't like this feeling. Please pray for me to have my finances settled and my rent paid and current. Protection from any evil people towards me or any of my family members. I want this heavy feeling on stress lifted out of my heart and my soul. I want protection for me and my family from God. I want him to hold us in his hand and close to his chest. I want him to forgive me of all of my sins and release my soul anew.
Ed W. Post
May 14, 2015
A dear friend of ours in a complete surprise found out a couple of days ago that she has cancer. She went to her doctor about a cough and ended up in the hospital a few hours later with bowel, liver, lung, and breast issues. They have just performed some tests and she may need bowel surgery later today or tomorrow. Please pray for Michelle and her family. Thank you for your prayers!!
Joyce N. Post
February 17, 2015
Please pray for my marriage,we are greatly struggling with my husband and there seems to be another woman in the picture.Satan has a hold on my husbands mind and he seems not to care abt the marriage any more.Please pray for Gods intervention.We have 2children and a third one on the way.I love my husband and do love my children.He is called mark.I am called joyce.
Anonymous Anonymous Post
February 10, 2015
Please pray for my healing and my son. He is smoking drugs. Please pray for me I am in debts. I have a serious financial problem
Anonymous Anonymous Post
January 27, 2015
The prayers of the righteous availeth much. Please pray for all people living with all types of illnesses. Sickness and disease are not from God. Please pray for my sister that God will grant her a healing miracle and that her place with Him is secure. Thank you interceding!

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