October 8, 2024
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James 1:5 Do It Yourself Dentistry 07.26.12 (Wisdom)

James 1:5 The Best of Wisdom 09.12.11 (Wisdom)

James 1:5 Bad Endings 07.22.14 (Discipleship)

James 1:5 Living the Right Way 08.17.16 (Christian Living)

James 1:22 Building Momentum 03.29.16 (Depression)

James 1:21-27 Gurners 11.04.10 (Sin)

James 2:8 The Neighbors 08.19.14 (Discipleship)

James 2:10 Helpful Clues 11.17.10 (Salvation)

James 2:10 Pure Evil 08.11.14 (Evil)

James 2:19 Going Through the Motions 09.29.10 (Salvation)

James 2:19 Fear God 01.11.11 (Reverence toward God)

James 3:5-6 Harebrained 05.25.16 (Sin)

James 3:4-6 Well-Meaning People 05.19.16 (Christian Living)

James 3:5-12 A Hot Potato 02.28.12 (Gossip)

James 3:13-16 Turning Green 12.11.14 (Christmas Season)

James 3:13-17 The Best of Wisdom 09.12.11 (Wisdom)

James 3:13-18 An Outrage! 07.20.16 (Hatred)

James 3:13-18 Chaos 04.25.16 (Peace)

James 4:2 Kindergarten Love 02.14.13 (Love)

James 4:1-3 Expect Trouble When... 03.16.17 (Christian Living)

James 4:7 Take the Sword 02.13.17 (Bible)

James 4:7-8 Pokemon Go and the Unseen World 07.27.16 (Spiritual Warfare)

James 4:7-8 What is the Problem? 06.29.16 (Sin)

James 4:7-8 Close the Door 04.18.16 (Sin)

James 4:7-8 Fight Back 02.09.12 (Spiritual Warfare)

James 4:7-8 Balancing Act 05.12.14 (Discipleship)

James 4:7-8 America's Downward Spiral 06.29.15 (Sin)

James 4:7-8 Just Taking a Nap 09.24.15 (Depression)

James 4:7-8 Overcoming Addiction 12.14.15 (Addiction)

James 4:8 Kindergarten Love 02.14.13 (Love)

James 4:10 What Have You Learned? 03.17.15 (Humility)

James 4:10 Trapping Yourself 04.10.15 (Pride)

James 4:13 Life Has Surprises 04.25.13 (Adversity)

James 4:13-14 A Change in Plans 06.02.16 (Plans)

James 4:13-15 The Best Laid Plans 06.04.14 (Planning)

James 4:14-15 End of the Road 02.22.12 (Death)

James 4:17 Do Good 04.30.14 (Discipleship)

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