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Luke 1:29 Courage Through Faith 12.10.14 (Courage)

Luke 1:32 What's in Your Basement 05.17.16 (Discipleship)

Luke 1:37 Who Would Have Thought? 06.02.14 (Call)

Luke 1:37 Inadequate 10.13.14 (Calling)

Luke 1:37-38 Courage Through Faith 12.10.14 (Courage)

Luke 2:6-7 Christmas Gift Ideas 12.18.14 (Christmas)

Luke 2:10 All Peoples 07.18.16 (Violence and Terrorism)

Luke 2:8-14 Don't Burn the Goat 12.17.14 (Christmas)

Luke 2:30-32 All Peoples 07.18.16 (Violence and Terrorism)

Luke 2:52 Falling Back - Part 2 11.16.10 (Backsliding)

Luke 6:35 The Survivor 08.04.14 (Discipleship)

Luke 6:35-36 Mean on Purpose 02.22.13 (Revenge)

Luke 6:37-38 Eye Cleaning 07.07.14 (Judgment)

Luke 6:41-45 Eye Cleaning 07.07.14 (Judgment)

Luke 6:43-45 The Overflow of Trash 03.30.16 (Discipleship)

Luke 6:45 Guard Your Heart! 05.09.16 (Sin)

Luke 6:45 Slow of Heart 10.11.10 (Discipleship)

Luke 6:47-48 Build 07.21.14 (Discipleship)

Luke 9:23 Do the Right Thing 06.14.16 (Courage) (M)

Luke 9:23 Being Jesus 11.08.10 (Discipleship)

Luke 9:23 Would Jesus Do That? 03.22.11 (Discipleship)

Luke 9:23 Tamed 12.12.11 (Soulwinning)

Luke 9:23 Good Friday Kindness 04.16.14 (Easter)

Luke 9:23 The Daily Battle 05.20.14 (Addiction)

Luke 9:23 Searching for Life? 07.02.14 (Salvation)

Luke 9:23 Fish or Cut Bait 11.10.14 (Commitment)

Luke 9:23 The Challenge of the Call 02.23.15 (Call)

Luke 9:23-26 Cross Carriers 07.10.14 (Discipleship)

Luke 9:24-26 Give It Up! 07.18.14 (Discipleship)

Luke 9:23-27 Don't Run 02.03.16 (Fear)

Luke 9:57-62 LAMO 10.20.11 (Call)

Luke 10 Sometimes We Need Help 08.14.14 (Mercy)

Luke 10:39-41 Distracted 02.20.13 (Discipleship)

Luke 11:3 The Daily Battle 05.20.14 (Addiction)

Luke 11:23 Teamwork 08.07.14 (Church)

Luke 12:4-5 Life Without Fear 07.09.14 (Fear)

Luke 12:6-7 Facing Our Fears 05.21.14 (Fear)

Luke 12:13-21 Miserly Fools 08.26.16 (Greed)

Luke 12:23 Made for More 03.18.15 (Call)

Luke 14:15-20 LAMO 10.20.11 (Call)

Luke 14:16-22 Excuses 05.14.12 (Call)

Luke 14:27-30 Begin 08.12.15 (Ministry)

Luke 15:8-10 The Kingdom of Heaven 09.02.10 (Salvation)

Luke 15:10 Falling Back - Part 2 11.16.10 (Backsliding)

Luke 15:15-17 Found! 10.04.11 (Repentance)

Luke 16:10 Faithfulness 06.03.16 (Faithfulness)

Luke 16:22-25 A Short Death 01.19.11 (Death)

Luke 16:19-25 Life is Not Fair 06.18.14 (God)

Luke 17:32 Don't Hold Your Breath 05.27.14 (Discipleship)

Luke 17:32-33 Looking Backward 06.09.14 (Discipleship)

Luke 18:1 Call for Help! 03.15.17 (Prayer)

Luke 18:1 One Brave and Wise Man 06.17.11 (Courage and Wisdom)

Luke 18:1 Not Giving Up 02.20.12 (Adversity)

Luke 18:1 A God Thing 02.28.13 (Faithfulness)

Luke 18:1 Perfection 04.24.14 (Sin)

Luke 18:1 Balancing Act 05.12.14 (Discipleship)

Luke 18:1 Lost Something? 10.07.14 (Backsliding)

Luke 18:1 More Fire 02.05.16 (Discipleship)

Luke 19:1-10 Up a Tree 08.14.13 (Adversity)

Luke 19:10 The Kingdom of Heaven 09.02.10 (Salvation)

Luke 19:10 Finding Treasure 05.29.14 (General)

Luke 19:12-13 Until Jesus Returns (End Times)

Luke 19:20 Warn Them! 04.22.14 (Witnessing)

Luke 20:19-26 The Pretenders 02.16.11 (Hypocrisy)

Luke 22:45-46 Get-R-Done 02.21.12 (Stewardship)

Luke 23:24 Good Friday Kindness 04.16.14 (Easter)

Luke 23:34 Oblivious 04.13.16 (Reaching the Lost)

Luke 23:43 A Short Death 01.19.11 (Death)

Luke 23:43 Good Friday Kindness 04.16.14 (Easter)

Luke 24:25-27 Slow of Heart 10.11.10 (Discipleship)

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