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Devotionals 1998 - 2001

If Two Agree
July 13, 1998By Ed Wrather

Jesus says in Matthew 18:19, “Again I say unto you, That if two of you shall agree on earth as touching any thing that they shall ask, it shall be done for them of my Father which is in heaven.”

In my first pastorate revival appeared to have come after about two years. Our attendance had nearly doubled, and it appeared the church would keep growing. Life was good.

But then that old devil found a way to attack. An issue divided the community. Some neighbors wouldn’t speak to their neighbors. Some brothers wouldn’t talk to their brothers. There was no way to keep the issue from affecting the church, because there were those on every side of the issue within the church.

Attendance dropped to its lowest level since I had been at the church as pastor. There was never anyone walking down the aisle to make a decision for the Lord. What could be done about this dismal situation?

The two other churches in the community were also seriously affected. I contacted those two pastors; one Baptist, and one Assembly of God. After prayer and discussion we agreed to meet once a week to pray together for our community and for revival. In our own churches we established prayer groups and those groups began to meet weekly as well to pray for revival.

Within weeks revival had begun. People were again walking down the aisle give their lives to the Lord. Healing the community took longer, but it had begun. Neighbors who wouldn’t speak began speaking as well as brothers. Revival had come!

Do you need revival? Does your church need revival? Does your community need revival? Does your country need revival? We know what we need to do!

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