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Devotionals 1998 - 2001

Symbol of America
September 13, 2001By Ed Wrather

2021 UPDATE: I wrote this two days after 9/11 – 09.13.01. America is being tested again with the pandemic the past year and a half which continues. We are being tested with the Afghanistan disaster and the leaving of Americans behind, Afgans who helped our troops left behind, our allies left behind, leaving women and children to the mercy of savages, and the arming of a terrorist regime with $85 billion dollars worth of the latest weaponry. 

The morality of the country has continued to decline. Two of the most recent things that come to mind are with the Evangelical Lutheran Church installing a transgender bishop and Harvard University having a chaplain that is an atheist. Just the latest of a very long list of the downward spiral of morality in the United States. 

If My people who are called by My name will humble themselves, and pray and seek My face, and turn from their wicked ways, then I will hear from heaven, and will forgive their sin and heal their land. - 2 Chronicles 7:14. 

The World Trade Center Towers were in many ways a symbol of the United States of America. The Towers represented the strength and financial power of the USA. They were very visible symbols towering above the skyline of the New York City metropolis. How could those powerful towers ever fall? The United States was invincible. Nothing could shake the foundations of those towers or of this country. Sadly, we know the towers have fallen and those who make up the USA are being tested once again. 

As a symbol of America what has happened to those towers is a symbol of what has happened to this country. God has removed his protection and blessing from us as a country. Why? Because the majority of the people in America no longer have a fear of God. The majority of the people in America no longer want God’s blessings. The majority of the people in this country have been growing further and further away from God. There are more people in America living lives of degeneracy and immorality than there were in Sodom and Gomorrah. It is not really a surprise that God has removed His blessing and protection from us. 

Let us turn again to our God. Let us awake from how complacency. We must not deceive ourselves into thinking that we are invincible. Only through the power of God has this country been blessed and protected. If this country is to turn again to God, this is the time. Tomorrow may be too late. The attacks upon this country are like the preaching of Jonah to Nineveh. God told Nineveh through Jonah, “Yet forty days, and Nineveh shall be overthrown!” It may not be forty days but America will be overthrown if we do not turn to God in repentance. Even the wicked Ninevites turned to God, and they were spared from the destruction. 

We have seen reports of prayer vigils across this country since the attack occurred. Last night was a time when a large number of churches have regularly scheduled prayer meetings. I was disappointed to see a handful of people come to our prayer meeting. We have scheduled prayer meetings and held prayer meetings all across this country. But how many people have actually attended those meetings? We must turn to God before it is too late. Will you humble yourself, pray, seek the face of God and turn from your wicked ways? If you will, God promises to hear, forgive and to heal our land. 

Please pray for those who are still trapped but alive in the rubble of the World Trade Center Buildings and the Pentagon. Please pray for the strength and safety of the rescue workers.

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