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Devotionals 2006

Have You Hugged Your Toilet Lately?
April 19, 2006By Dr. Walker Moore

Today’s devotional was written by Dr. Walker Moore who is president of AweStar Ministries in Tulsa, P. O. Box 470265, Tulsa 74147. You may contact Walker at walker@awestar.org or 800.293.7827. Visit their website at www.awestar.org.
God’s Word: "...the spirit is willing but the flesh is weak.” - Matthew 26:41
Reflection: I consider myself somewhat of a handyman. Growing up around a farm I had to do some carpentry work and mechanical repairs. I am familiar with the rules of using a saw and a few wrenches, so when our toilet began to have a few problems I told my wife, "No problem! I will take care of it.” The flapper inside the tank had worn out, causing the toilet to run in short bursts to keep the tanked filled with water. Now, this little problem did not bother me, as much it did my wife, so repairing it was not a priority. But after a number of hints from my wife, I realized that if I wanted a warm meal and a bed to sleep in, I had better get to work.
At the hardware store, I was informed that the style of toilet flapper on our toilet was no longer available, so I would have to install a replacement kit. To install that I had to take the entire tank off the back of the toilet. The only way you can do that is by hugging the toilet. Lying on my back, I slid underneath to undo two nuts that held the tank to the seat. This was not easy since the nuts have been corroded since the beginning of time and the rust kept falling into my eyes. Now working only with the sense of touch, I loosened one of the nuts and the water that was left in the tank came gushing out. (At least, it washed the rust out of my eyes.) Finally, I got the tank off, installed the new kit, and bolted it back on.
I stood there for a few minutes admiring my handiwork as though I have just given birth. Then, I turned the water on and much to my surprise, a leak had sprung where the tank fitted on the seat. I went back to the hardware store and told them my problem. It turned out that in order to replace the piece that I had just replaced, another piece needed to be replaced to make the new piece work properly. They had failed to mention that during my first visit. A little bit frustrated, I went back home with the other part, and started the whole process again. A few hours later, I turned the water on for the second time and it was worse. The more I worked on it - the worse it got, so after three tries I swallowed my pride and called a plumber. As he worked on the toilet, I asked him what I had done wrong. His exact quote was this, "Like my daddy told me, everyone has something in life that they are NOT supposed to do. And sir, yours is plumbing!”
My prayer for today is that God will help me do what I am supposed to do and leave the rest up to the plumbers!
Insight: When it comes to parenting you cannot do everything. That is why God created the extended family.
Prayer: Dear Father, please help to understand my limitations. I cannot be everything in my child’s life. Help me to do what I do best, then surround my children with other godly people. Provide for them a network of instructors that will help them "increase in wisdom and stature, and in favor with God and men.” Amen.

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