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Devotionals 2002

Words or Actions?
April 29, 2002By Ed Wrather

My little children, let us not love in word or in tongue, but in deed and in truth. - 1 John 3:18. 

City Councilman Angel Ortiz of Philadelphia has a little problem. For the past 25 years, he has been driving without a license. Seventeen of those years he was either a council member or municipal employee. Ortiz in response said, “I kept trying to make time to get a new license, and it seemed that something pressing always took precedence.” Not long after the driving without a license problem, Ortiz was found to have 53 parking tickets that were outstanding. Of course, Ortiz denied knowing anything about any tickets. 

We are astounded to know that people like Angel Oritz actually exist! However, if we take a close look at our own lives, how many times have we said, or indicated we would do something but have not? For example, we know as Christians we ought to reach out to those around us, and we speak of the need to do so, but how often have we actually spoken to others about their need of the Savior? As disciples of Christ, we know of the disciplines of the faith, and by assuming the identity of a Christian we seek to indicate that we are involved in Christian activities. But are we really? 

Is our love for others simply words? We are to follow the example of our Lord in demonstrating our love. The love Jesus had for us was more than words. His love was demonstrated by His actions as He died for us on the cross. 

What is it that you have been saying you are going to do as a Christian, but have never gotten around to it? How many years have passed, without love being more than a word? Maybe it is time we stopped talking about love, and do something that demonstrates our love? What do you think?

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