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Devotionals 2002

The Answer
September 12, 2002By Anita Rundell

Today’s devotional was written by Anita Rundell. Anita is a singer, songwriter, writer, and website designer living in the Nashville area. She can be contacted at: arundell@earthlink.net


For as many as are led by the Spirit of God, these are sons of God. For you did not receive the spirit of bondage again to fear, but you received the Spirit of Adoption by whom we cry out, ‘Abba, Father.’ - Romans 8:14-15.

Today, many people remember the fear they felt one year ago as our nation was changed forever. So, many lives...so many families...crushed. And those of us who maybe didn't experience the loss first hand...but sat back and glared at the TV those following weeks just watching in amazement at the events that had taken place...had (and still have) so many questions. So many people filled with fear.

My sister and brother-in-law and my nephews were here visiting me in Nashville during Labor Day weekend. One evening, Tammy (Trent) came over and hung out with us. After Tammy left, Amy and I got into a conversation about the loss Tammy has experienced (Her husband’s death.) and the questions that remain in our mind and the fear. If it could happen to her...why couldn't it happen to us? If it could happen to all of those people in the world trade towers - why couldn't it happen to us?

And honestly, if I dwelled on those questions long enough - it would freak me out. So, I try not to. And I know that God did not give me a spirit of fear...Romans 8:15. Faith plays such an important part in times like these...don't you think? Faith in the One that put the world into motion...and the One that has the power to make it stop. We will always have questions. We will always wonder why. We may never find the answers. So, we need to trust and have faith that God will always…no matter what…provide what we need. HE IS OUR ANSWER.

Visit Anita Rundell’s websites:
http://www.AnitaRundell.com - Anita’s Personal Website
http://www.CompleteFaithWebDesign.com - Anita’s Webpage Design Company
http://www.cafepress.com/anitarundell - Anita‘s "Just Believe" products.

Note: This is the devotional that was sent the day after 9/11 last year. It seemed to me that it would be good to read it again on this day of remembrance. Let us pray for the comfort and peace of all those affected by 9/11 terrorist attacks. Let us pray that such destruction never occurs again.

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