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Devotionals 2006

When the Worst Happens
January 20, 2006By Ed Wrather


Likewise the Spirit also helps in our weaknesses. For we do not know what we should pray for as we ought, but the Spirit Himself makes intercession for us with groanings which cannot be uttered. Now He who searches the hearts knows what the mind of the Spirit is, because He makes intercession for the saints according to the will of God. And we know that all things work together for good to those who love God, to those who are the called according to His purpose. - Romans 8:26-28 NKJV.

Joyce Urch who is 74-years-old, had been blind for over 25 years until she had a heart attack, and went into a coma. She was not expected to live, but when Joyce woke up she shouted to her doctors and her husband, "I can see, I can see, I can see." It was thought that she had lost her sight in 1979 because of glaucoma. Joyce who lives in England says, "I love going out now. I can look around and see the trees and squirrels and pigeons. The first time you look in the mirror you look at yourself and think, 'Is that really me? I never used to be like that.'"

How wonderful! Out of such a terrible thing as a heart attack, has come healing and sight, neither of which was expected. You could say that Joyce has a new lease on life. Good from the bad, wouldn’t it be wonderful, if there was always something good that came from the bad things that happen to us? The amazing thing is, that this is exactly what God promises to those who love and follow Him. Now I know what you are thinking. You’re thinking, "I’ve never had anything like that happen to me and besides lots of bad things have happened to me - so where is all of the good?"

Recognizing the good that comes from the bad in life, comes about as we mature spiritually. As we grow up in Christ, from a baby to maturity, we develop spiritual insight. God constantly is at work, and will use everything in your life for good, if you will cooperate with Him in this process.

When something bad happens, be alert for God to make a spiritual opportunity available. Last Sunday morning we had one of our lowest numbers in attendance that we have ever had. I said to myself, "God is going to do something special this morning." Last Sunday (January 2006), a woman that had been saved several years ago, but had never followed the Lord in baptism came forward during the invitation. She is to be baptized this next Sunday. What a joy! However, I could have been disappointed, depressed, and even angry about the poor attendance; and in the beginning of my ministry, that was my response at times. I have learned that when it looks the worst, be alert, watch out, for God may be ready to move. It has happened exactly that way over, and over, and over.

Think about Moses. He thought his life was over at 40 when he disappeared into the backside of the desert to become a shepherd. By the time he reached the age of 80, he probably had the place picked out where he wanted to be buried, and thought it would be soon. Out of all of the bad, and the long years, long nights; came what, in the life of Moses? What a surprise, when God showed up in the form of a burning bush; and said in effect, guess what Moses, you have just received your graduate degree in desert survival. It was not until Moses had spent 40 years in the desert, that he had gained the skills necessary, to lead a few million people out of Egypt. God used everything that happened in the life of Moses to bring about good. God has the same kind of thing in mind for you and me.

The next time something bad happens, look around, to see the amazing thing that God is going to do with it; because Romans 8:28 is true. You may be ready to give up, but this may very well be when God is going to put everything together; using you more than He ever has before, to bring about something wonderfully good.

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