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Devotionals 2005

Mercy Drops
March 26, 2005By Merissa Lee (Parker) Kelley


Mercy Drops was written by Merissa Parker, May 24, 2003, and is used by permission. Merissa is a prolific poet and as you can see from this poem a very wonderful poet and servant of God. You may contact Merissa by email at: merissaparker@noland.com

Therefore be merciful, just as your Father also is merciful. - Luke 6:36.

I really goofed the other day and spoke way out of turn So here I am again, dear Lord, when will I ever learn? I ask again for mercy drops, please soak me through and through Oh, I'm so glad, that everyday, your mercies are brand new

Feeling better, conscience cleared, till I "felt" a gentle touch "Child, do you want the mercy drops...for others just as much?" Startled by the honest question, I didn't want to look too deep Because I knew God's mercy drops...weren't just mine to keep

In our flesh, we cannot grasp, that God would actually show His mercy to the very ones...that always tell Him no And the very ones who've hurt us and bring us great despair "They" don't deserve those mercy drops; it really "feels" unfair

That's because we choose to measure the mercy we extend Our supply is very sparse...while God's just never ends God never blasts you with the truth; He gently shines His light To show you that your attitude...really isn't right

"I love you very much, my child...I love everyone the same, Even the ones who ignore my love and disrespect my name. Everyday I wake them up with the breath to start anew, The chances that I give to them...I've also given you."

"If I went by a 'worthiness chart', none of you would last, For mercy has so many times, freed you from your past. Salvation's plan was designed for all, I'm glad you made the choice, But I must keep the mercy flowing, for not all have heard my voice."

"Unconditional love can reach a heart that's turned to stone, A heart that needs to trust, that I won't leave them all alone. So don't forget the mercy drops...that I have rained on you, Keep their memory uppermost, in all you say and do."

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