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Devotionals 2005

The List
April 21, 2005By Merissa Lee Kelley


Today’s Devotional was written by Merissa Lee Kelley July 8, 2002. You may contact Merissa at merissaparker@noland.com.

Love is patient, love is kind. It does not envy, it does not boast, it is not proud. It is not rude, it is not self-seeking, it is not easily angered, it keeps no record of wrongs. - 1 Corinthians 13:4-5.

I got my list out the other day; perhaps you have one too A document listing every "wrong" that's ever been done to you It's filed away, but not forgotten, so you'll always have it close To keep it fresh and always remember...who stepped on your toes!

It's not a list that's written down, but it's never hard to find All you have to do is look in your heart and in your mind Forever handy to review when your flesh is in control Feeding on the indignation...but really starving your soul

After rehashing, it's so much easier to justify keeping track You won't give "them" another chance to stab you in the back! And when you're done with your perusal, you file it far away Behind the walls and out of sight until another "fleshy" day

As for me, when I was finished...I went on about my life But a nagging feeling deep inside kept causing me such strife Feeling puzzled I asked the Lord to show me what was wrong I really wanted a speedy answer and it didn't take him long

In my spirit I felt him say, "There's something you need to see. You've read it before, but read it again and then come talk to me." 1 Corinthians chapter 13...well, of course I've read it before! "Read it with your spiritual eyes, and you'll see a little more."

Ok...love is patient...love is kind...moving right along

It doesn't envy...it doesn't boast...it keeps no record of wrongs... No record of wrongs? As in a list? And my heart began to fall "You can't just read the verses you like, you've got to read them all."

"What if I kept a ledger on you that I looked at now and then? What if I made a journal entry every time you sinned? And whenever an angel happened to pass, I'd whip that list right out, Exposing all the dates and times you fell in fear and doubt!"

"Because of love, I don't do that. What profit would that be? Don't you know by keeping that list, you never will be free? Love protects and perseveres; it seeks to find the truth... I AM LOVE, just keep on reading, for my word is filled with proof."

"Surrender your list into my hands and I'll help you walk this through. For I KNOW what's written on that list...that's why I'm patient with you. Choosing to love won't always be easy, but I'll help you from above Releasing your list is so much easier...when you release because of love."

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